30 Days to healthy living: Day 17

Let’s talk meal replacements !

I am a BIG fan of meal replacement shakes and have personally used them for years. With my latest effort to lose weight and get in shape I have been diligent about daily shakes and have seen great success. I have several thoughts on why you should consider using them too.

1. Convenience. They are EASY. Fill water to line of shaker cup, add 2 scoops protein powder, shake. Done! Nothing is easier than that! You can get fancy and add cinnamon, peanut powder, fiber powder, greens powder, cocoa powder or any other powder or spice you want. I always add cinnamon, fiber and sometimes peanut powder (really good with chocolate protein powder). I also usually add a probiotic/prebiotic/digestive enzyme supplement powder. Get super fancy by using a high power blender and adding whole fruit or greens. I am typically too lazy for that and just have a green apple on the side 😉 🍏

2. Portion control. If keeping your portions controlled is a challenge and you don’t want to think about it, a measured protein powder meal replacement is the way to go. 2 scoops, done. It leaves little room for misjudging portion sizes and inadvertently consuming twice as many calories as you thought.

3. Adding protein will help keep you feeling full longer and helps keep blood sugar stable longer too. Many of us don’t get enough protein. It also helps with building muscle. Your body needs good bricks to build a strong body!

4. A true meal replacement shake contains vitamins and minerals you may not be getting otherwise. The shake I use eliminates the need for taking a multivitamin. Adding in a little fat and some greens or fruit makes it even better. (I add canned pumpkin!)

5. Travels well. Ever get so hungry on the road you settle for whatever? I sure have. Protein powders are super portable and you can even get them in individual packets for even more convenience. I take small containers of measured out portions of my shake ingredients along with a shaker (duh) and water. If you travel with a cooler you could pack some almond or cashew milk and add that instead of water. Never again will you need to worry about getting stuck on the road with no healthy options and you won’t have to stress about a trip detailing your health goals. This is extra important for me because if I eat the wrong thing I could spend the rest of my trip sick and that is seriously not fun ☹️.

What is your favorite addition to protein or meal replacement shakes? Have a yummy recipe? Post it below!

Here’s to our health! 🥂🍏🥬

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